Happy Holidays from Tavern Tales

This is Kyle from Tavern Tales. Sorry that there isn’t an adventure for you this week. But from all of us here at Tavern Tales, Tavern Tales Junior, Tavern Tales Family, and Tavern Tales Presents: Dungeon in a Box, thanks for listening and tuning in throughout 2018. What an amazing year it’s been. We’ve grown so much as a podcast and as a group and I can’t thank you all enough for having stuck around as we’ve grown up. We’ve got a lot of great things on the go for 2019. We’ll finish up the Forge of Fury in Tavern Tales and move into the third adventure in Tales from the Yawning Portal – The Hidden Shrine of Tamochan, but before we do that we’re going to pop back into Dungeon in a Box’s second adventure and have some fun.

I am also pleased to announce that Tavern Tales Junior is splitting from the main podcast to their own channel and feed this January. Tavern Tales Junior will now come out twice a month in the same places and way that Tavern Tales does, except it’s happening on Tuesdays. And don’t worry, Tavern Tales won’t be empty on that fourth Wednesday now, as we are going to continue to give you great Tavern Tales content regularly every week.

Have a wonderful Christmas, Hannukah, Yule, Kwanzaa and Solstice. We’ll be back next week, the start of 2019. Happy Holidays to one and all… And as a special treat for you we’ve recorded the characters in Tavern Tales sending on a Christmas greetings to their loved ones… I hope you enjoy it.

From my family to yours, this is Kyle from Tavern Tales saying for the last time this year… Thanks for listening.

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Facebook: Tavern Tales Podcast
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