In The Sunless Citadel Marie-Claire played Drayden, the Fox, Fighter and Folk Hero.
In Dungeon in a Box Marie-Claire played both Dimple Dandydrake, the gnomish wizard as well as Nem the elven paladin of Sylvanus.
In Forge of Fury, Marie-Claire played Melusine Stonehammer, the dwarven bard.
Then in The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan Marie-Claire was Florida Mann, the human paladin.
Marie-Claire plays Adora Smith, “Beau” the Bull in The Rookies.
Marie-Claire has been gaming all her life. Her dad introduced her to WEGs Star Wars, D&D 2nd and Chivalry & Sorcery from a young age encouraging her to expand her imagination.
She is the most experienced gamer at the table: involved in play testing rpgs, playing a ton of White Wolf games Table Top/MET and DMing her own home brewed campaigns.
Marie-Claire enjoys gaming, board games, video games, art and drawing things that games have inspired.
In addition to playing in Tavern Tales, she is currently DMing a D&D campaign for her friends and one for her family.
Marie-Claire is the host, publisher and editor of What the Force, a Star Wars Fandom Podcast. Check it out at and wherever podcasts are played.
Marie-Claire can be found on Twitter: @mariecgould