DragonLance – Episode 1 – The Grand Caravan Intro: Xander

Join Anitta, Xander and Elayne on a silly little adventure before the Cataclysm that sets some of the tone for the epic campaign to follow.

Anitta, the rock gnome paladin of vengeance is played by Ana Mulino
Xander, the Aasimar sorcerer is played by Andrew Cooper
Elayne, the elven monk is played by Kaaya Wiens

The Grand Caravan was my initial DragonLance game prior to the release of Shadow of the Dragon Queen.

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Our intro, and outro music is the song, Tavern Tales by the Bad Billy Band. Find out more about the Bad Billy Band on iTunes or on their website, www.badbillyband.com, or follow them on twitter @badbillyband.

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