Pirating the Pirate Ship – Part 1

A nautaloid ship is in a bind having been taken over by pirates, but thankfully it is docking at a waystation for fuel.  Morty’s Devils have been tasked with getting aboard the ship and rescuing the crew and dealing with the pirates.


@The_Dread_Bread the tigress tiefling bard

@kwiksotic as Kip the surfer dude tiefling wizard

@TheFennecWolf as Malancholy the bespectacled tiefling Cleric/Bard.

And as always

@taverntalesdm as the Dungeon Master

This episode is a parody of the 1983 episode “The Beast from the Belly of a Boeing” of A-Team written by Patrick Hasburgh revised and re-imagined for Dungeons and Dragons 5e by Jeremie Choquette

Find out more at www.taverntales.ca/mortysdevils Our theme song is Let the Night Fall by Dragonette.  You can find this song and Dragonette’s discology on iTunes, or follow them on twitter @dragonette

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